Our 83 balloons with 83 names
Our “Circle of Life” is ready so we can read the touching messages received from the friends who could not attend.
The sunburst sunset
Bidding us Adieus, the sky greeted us with this sunburst at the hour Christina pronounced her last breath 8 years ago.
Claudia’s gift from LA
A Book-chocolate cake made & offered by Claudia Projects from LA. The highlight of the food offerings for the picnic.
The mist of obscurity
Somehow, if you Believe & have Faith, the “Whys” transcend & the Peaceful Self becomes us! God is Great & works in mysterious ways, whether you feel His presence in your heart or not, He is there for us whenever..wherever..forever!!
Our tree every year
The nail on that tree in the park awaits Christina’s picture year after year. It was there when we arrived for our first picnic & it shall await us for our next picnics.
Poem by J. Arnold
“ So, if you are too tired to speak,
Sit next to me
because I,
Am fluent in Silence.”